

The kuknos.toml file is used to provide a common place where the Internet can find information about your domain’s kuknos integration. Any website can publish kuknos network information. You can announce your validation key, your federation server, peers you are running, your quorum set, if you are an anchor, etc.

The kuknos.toml file is a text file in the TOML format.

Publishing kuknos.toml

Given the domain "DOMAIN", the kuknos.toml will be searched for at the following location:


Enabling cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

You must enable CORS on the kuknos.toml so people can access this file from other sites. The following HTTP header must be set for a HTTP response for kuknos.toml file request.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Important: Only enable CORS for kuknos.toml (or any files it references). For example, in Apache you would set something like:

<Location "/.well-known/stellar.toml">
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Or in nginx:

location /.well-known/stellar.toml {
 add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';

For other web servers, see: http://enable-cors.org/server.html

Testing CORS

  1. Run a curl command in your terminal similar to the following (replace kuknos.org with the hosting location of your kuknos.toml file):

    curl --head https://kuknos.org/.well-known/stellar.toml
  2. Verify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present as shown below.

    curl --head https://kuknos.org/.well-known/stellar.toml
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    Content-length: 482
  3. Also run the command on a page that should not have it and verify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is missing.

kuknos.toml example

This file is UTF-8 with Dos-, UNIX-, or Mac-style end of lines.
Blank lines and lines beginning with ‘#’ are ignored.
Undefined sections are reserved.
All sections are optional.
Many of these sections reflect what would be listed in your kuknos-core.cfg

# Sample kuknos.toml

#   The endpoint which clients should query to resolve kuknosaddresses
#   for users on your domain.

# The endpoint used for the compliance protocol

# The signing key is used for the compliance protocol

# convenience mapping of common names to node IDs.
# You can use these common names in sections below instead of the less friendly nodeID.
# This is provided mainly to be compatible with the kuknos-core.cfg

#   A list of accounts that are controlled by this domain.

#   Any validation public keys that are declared
#   to be used by this domain for validating ledgers and are
#   authorized signers for the domain.

# DESIRED_BASE_FEE (integer)
# This is what you would prefer the base fee to be. It is in peanuts.

# This is how many maximum transactions per ledger you would like to process.

#   List of IPs of known kuknos-core's.
#   These are IP:port strings.
#   Port is optional.
#   By convention, IPs are listed from most to least trusted, if that information is known.

# list of history archives maintained by this domain

#   This section allows an anchor to declare currencies it currently issues.
#   Can be used by wallets and clients to trust anchors by domain name
display_decimals=2 # Specifies how many decimal places should be displayed by clients to end users.

display_decimals=7 # Maximum decimal places that can be represented is 7

# asset with meta info
name="goat share"
desc="1 GOAT token entitles you to a share of revenue from Elkins Goat Farm."
conditions="There will only ever be 10,000 GOAT tokens in existence. We will distribute the revenue share annually on Jan. 15th"

#   Potential quorum set of this domain's validators.
"$self", "$lab1", "$nelisky1","$jianing",

# optional extra information for humans
# Useful place for anchors to detail various policies and required info

# Required compliance fields:
#      name=<recipient name>
#      addr=<recipient address>
# Federation Format:  
#        <phone number>*anchor.com
#        Forwarding supported by sending to: forward*anchor.com
#           forward_type=bank_account
#           swift=<swift code of receiving bank>
#           acct=<recipient account number at receiving bank>
# Minimum Amount Forward: $2 USD
# Maximum Amount Forward: $10000 USD