Send and Receive Money

Before continuing with the following examples for Kuknos in code, consider going through the
following examples using the Kuknos Laboratory. The lab
allows you create accounts, fund accounts on test net, build transactions, run any operation, and
inspect responses from Horizon via the Endpoint Explorer.

Now that you have an account, you can send and receive funds through the Kuknos network. If you
haven’t created an account yet, read step 2 of the Get Started guide.

Most of the time, you’ll be sending money to someone else who has their own account. For this
interactive guide, however, you should make a second account to transact with using the same method
you used to make your first account.

Send Payments

Actions that change things in Kuknos, like sending payments, changing your account, or making
offers to trade various kinds of currencies, are called operations.[^۱] In order to actually
perform an operation, you create a transaction, which is just a group of operations accompanied
by some extra information, like what account is making the transaction and a cryptographic
signature to verify that the transaction is authentic.[^2]

If any operation in the transaction fails, they all fail. For example, let’s say you have 100
paymons and you make two payment operations of 60 paymons each. If you make two transactions (each
with one operation), the first will succeed and the second will fail because you don’t have enough
paymons. You’ll be left with 40 paymons. However, if you group the two payments into a single
transaction, they will both fail and you’ll be left with the full 100 paymons still in your account.

Finally, every transaction costs a small fee. Like the minimum balance on accounts, this fee helps
stop people from overloading the system with lots of transactions. Known as the base fee, it is
very small—۱۰۰ stroops per operation (that’s 0.00001 XLM; stroops are easier to talk about than
such tiny fractions of a paymon). A transaction with two operations would cost 200 stroops.[^3]

Building a Transaction

Kuknos stores and communicates transaction data in a binary format called XDR.[^4] Luckily, the
Kuknos SDKs provide tools that take care of all that. Here’s how you might send 10 paymons to
another account:

var StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk');
var server = new StellarSdk.Server('');
var sourceKeys = StellarSdk.Keypair
// Transaction will hold a built transaction we can resubmit if the result is unknown.
var transaction;

// First, check to make sure that the destination account exists.
// You could skip this, but if the account does not exist, you will be charged
// the transaction fee when the transaction fails.
  // If the account is not found, surface a nicer error message for logging.
  .catch(function (error) {
    if (error instanceof StellarSdk.NotFoundError) {
      throw new Error('The destination account does not exist!');
    } else return error
  // If there was no error, load up-to-date information on your account.
  .then(function() {
    return server.loadAccount(sourceKeys.publicKey());
  .then(function(sourceAccount) {
    // Start building the transaction.
    transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(sourceAccount, {
      fee: StellarSdk.BASE_FEE,
      networkPassphrase: StellarSdk.Networks.TESTNET
        destination: destinationId,
        // Because Stellar allows transaction in many currencies, you must
        // specify the asset type. The special "native" asset represents paymons.
        asset: StellarSdk.Asset.native(),
        amount: "10"
      // A memo allows you to add your own metadata to a transaction. It's
      // optional and does not affect how Stellar treats the transaction.
      .addMemo(StellarSdk.Memo.text('Test Transaction'))
      // Wait a maximum of three minutes for the transaction
    // Sign the transaction to prove you are actually the person sending it.
    // And finally, send it off to Stellar!
    return server.submitTransaction(transaction);
  .then(function(result) {
    console.log('Success! Results:', result);
  .catch(function(error) {
    console.error('Something went wrong!', error);
    // If the result is unknown (no response body, timeout etc.) we simply resubmit
    // already built transaction:
    // server.submitTransaction(transaction);
Server server = new Server("");

KeyPair source = KeyPair.fromSecretSeed("SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4");
KeyPair destination = KeyPair.fromAccountId("GA2C5RFPE6GCKMY3US5PAB6UZLKIGSPIUKSLRB6Q723BM2OARMDUYEJ5");

// First, check to make sure that the destination account exists.
// You could skip this, but if the account does not exist, you will be charged
// the transaction fee when the transaction fails.
// It will throw HttpResponseException if account does not exist or there was another error.

// If there was no error, load up-to-date information on your account.
AccountResponse sourceAccount = server.accounts().account(source);

// Start building the transaction.
Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(sourceAccount)
        .addOperation(new PaymentOperation.Builder(destination, new AssetTypeNative(), "10").build())
        // A memo allows you to add your own metadata to a transaction. It's
        // optional and does not affect how Kuknos treats the transaction.
        .addMemo(Memo.text("Test Transaction"))
        // Wait a maximum of three minutes for the transaction
// Sign the transaction to prove you are actually the person sending it.

// And finally, send it off to Kuknos!
try {
  SubmitTransactionResponse response = server.submitTransaction(transaction);
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Something went wrong!");
  // If the result is unknown (no response body, timeout etc.) we simply resubmit
  // already built transaction:
  // SubmitTransactionResponse response = server.submitTransaction(transaction);
package main

import (

func main () {

    // Make sure destination account exists
    if _, err := horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.LoadAccount(destination); err != nil {

    tx, err := build.Transaction(

    if err != nil {

    // Sign the transaction to prove you are actually the person sending it.
    txe, err := tx.Sign(source)
    if err != nil {

    txeB64, err := txe.Base64()
    if err != nil {

    // And finally, send it off to Kuknos!
    resp, err := horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.SubmitTransaction(txeB64)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Println("Successful Transaction:")
    fmt.Println("Ledger:", resp.Ledger)
    fmt.Println("Hash:", resp.Hash)
from stellar_sdk.keypair import Keypair
from import Network
from stellar_sdk.server import Server
from stellar_sdk.transaction_builder import TransactionBuilder
from stellar_sdk.exceptions import NotFoundError, BadResponseError, BadRequestError

server = Server("")
source_key = Keypair.from_secret("SCZANGBA5YHTNYVVV4C3U252E2B6P6F5T3U6MM63WBSBZATAQI3EBTQ4")

# First, check to make sure that the destination account exists.
# You could skip this, but if the account does not exist, you will be charged
# the transaction fee when the transaction fails.
except NotFoundError:
    # If the account is not found, surface an error message for logging.
    raise Exception("The destination account does not exist!")

# If there was no error, load up-to-date information on your account.
source_account = server.load_account(source_key.public_key)

# Let's fetch base_fee from network
base_fee = server.fetch_base_fee()

# Start building the transaction.
transaction = (
        # Because Kuknos allows transaction in many currencies, you must specify the asset type.
        # Here we are sending paymons.
        .append_payment_op(destination=destination_id, amount="10", asset_code="XLM")
        # A memo allows you to add your own metadata to a transaction. It's
        # optional and does not affect how Kuknos treats the transaction.
        .add_text_memo("Test Transaction")
        # Wait a maximum of three minutes for the transaction

# Sign the transaction to prove you are actually the person sending it.

    # And finally, send it off to Kuknos!
    response = server.submit_transaction(transaction)
    print(f"Response: {response}")
except (BadRequestError, BadResponseError) as err:
    print(f"Something went wrong!\n{err}")

What exactly happened there? Let’s break it down.

  1. Confirm that the account ID you are sending to actually exists by loading the associated account
    data from the Kuknos network. Everything will actually be OK if you skip this step, but doing
    it gives you an opportunity to avoid making a transaction you know will fail. You can also use
    this call to perform any other verification you might want to do on a destination account. If
    you are writing banking software, for example, this is a good place to insert regulatory
    compliance checks and KYC verification.

      .then(function(account) { /* validate the account */ })
        if _, err := horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.LoadAccount(destination); err != nil {
  2. Load data for the account you are sending from. An account can only perform one transaction at a
    time[^5] and has something called a sequence
    which helps Kuknos verify the order of
    transactions. A transaction’s sequence number needs to match the account’s sequence number, so
    you need to get the account’s current sequence number from the network.

    .then(function() {
    return server.loadAccount(sourceKeys.publicKey());
    AccountResponse sourceAccount = server.accounts().account(source);
    source_account = server.load_account(source_key.public_key)

    The SDK will automatically increment the account’s sequence number when you build a
    transaction, so you won’t need to retrieve this information again if you want to perform a
    second transaction.

  3. Start building a transaction. This requires an account object, not just an account ID, because
    it will increment the account’s sequence number.

    var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(sourceAccount)
    Transaction transaction = new Transaction.Builder(sourceAccount)
        tx, err := build.Transaction(
        // ...
    transaction = TransactionBuilder(
  4. Add the payment operation to the account. Note that you need to specify the type of asset you
    are sending—Stellar’s “native” currency is the paymon, but you can send any type of asset or
    currency you like, from dollars to bitcoin to any sort of asset you trust the issuer to redeem
    (more details below). For now, though, we’ll stick to
    paymons, which are called “native” assets in the SDK:

      destination: destinationId,
      asset: StellarSdk.Asset.native(),
      amount: "10"
    .addOperation(new PaymentOperation.Builder(destination, new AssetTypeNative(), "10").build())
    tx, err := build.Transaction(
        build.MemoText{"Test Transaction"},
    .append_payment_op(destination=destination_id, amount="10", asset_code="XLM")

    You should also note that the amount is a string rather than a number. When working with
    extremely small fractions or large values, floating point math can introduce small
    . Since not all
    systems have a native way to accurately represent extremely small or large decimals, Kuknos
    uses strings as a reliable way to represent the exact amount across any system.

  5. Optionally, you can add your own metadata, called a
    memo, to a transaction. Kuknos doesn’t do anything with
    this data, but you can use it for any purpose you’d like. If you are a bank that is receiving or
    sending payments on behalf of other people, for example, you might include the actual person the
    payment is meant for here.

    .addMemo(StellarSdk.Memo.text('Test Transaction'))
    .addMemo(Memo.text("Test Transaction"));
    build.MemoText{"Test Transaction"},
    .add_text_memo("Test Transaction")
  6. Now that the transaction has all the data it needs, you have to cryptographically sign it using
    your secret seed. This proves that the data actually came from you and not someone impersonating

    txe, err := tx.Sign(source)
    txeB64, err := txe.Base64()
  7. And finally, send it to the Kuknos network!

    resp, err := horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.SubmitTransaction(txeB64)

IMPORTANT It’s possible that you will not receive a response from the Horizon server due to a
bug, network conditions, etc. In such a situation it’s impossible to determine the status of your
transaction. That’s why you should always save a built transaction (or transaction encoded in XDR
format) in a variable or a database and resubmit it if you don’t know its status. If the
transaction has already been successfully applied to the ledger, Horizon will simply return the
saved result and not attempt to submit the transaction again. Only in cases where a transaction’s
status is unknown (and thus will have a chance of being included into a ledger) will a resubmission
to the network occur.

Receive Payments

You don’t actually need to do anything to receive payments into a Kuknos account—if a payer makes
a successful transaction to send assets to you, those assets will automatically be added to your

However, you’ll want to know that someone has actually paid you. If you are a bank accepting
payments on behalf of others, you need to find out what was sent to you so you can disburse funds
to the intended recipient. If you are operating a retail business, you need to know that your
customer actually paid you before you hand them their merchandise. And if you are an automated
rental car with a Kuknos account, you’ll probably want to verify that the customer in your front
seat actually paid before that person can turn on your engine.

A simple program that watches the network for payments and prints each one might look like:

var StellarSdk = require('stellar-sdk');

var server = new StellarSdk.Server('');

// Create an API call to query payments involving the account.
var payments = server.payments().forAccount(accountId);

// If some payments have already been handled, start the results from the
// last seen payment. (See below in `handlePayment` where it gets saved.)
var lastToken = loadLastPagingToken();
if (lastToken) {

// `stream` will send each recorded payment, one by one, then keep the
// connection open and continue to send you new payments as they occur.{
  onmessage: function(payment) {
    // Record the paging token so we can start from here next time.

    // The payments stream includes both sent and received payments. We only
    // want to process received payments here.
    if ( !== accountId) {

    // In Kuknos's API, paymons are referred to as the “native” type. Other
    // asset types have more detailed information.
    var asset;
    if (payment.asset_type === 'native') {
      asset = 'paymons';
    else {
      asset = payment.asset_code + ':' + payment.asset_issuer;

    console.log(payment.amount + ' ' + asset + ' from ' + payment.from);

  onerror: function(error) {
    console.error('Error in payment stream');

function savePagingToken(token) {
  // In most cases, you should save this to a local database or file so that
  // you can load it next time you stream new payments.

function loadLastPagingToken() {
  // Get the last paging token from a local database or file
Server server = new Server("");

// Create an API call to query payments involving the account.
PaymentsRequestBuilder paymentsRequest = server.payments().forAccount(account);

// If some payments have already been handled, start the results from the
// last seen payment. (See below in `handlePayment` where it gets saved.)
String lastToken = loadLastPagingToken();
if (lastToken != null) {

// `stream` will send each recorded payment, one by one, then keep the
// connection open and continue to send you new payments as they occur. EventListener<OperationResponse>() {
  public void onEvent(OperationResponse payment) {
    // Record the paging token so we can start from here next time.

    // The payments stream includes both sent and received payments. We only
    // want to process received payments here.
    if (payment instanceof PaymentOperationResponse) {
      if (((PaymentOperationResponse) payment).getTo().equals(account)) {

      String amount = ((PaymentOperationResponse) payment).getAmount();

      Asset asset = ((PaymentOperationResponse) payment).getAsset();
      String assetName;
      if (asset.equals(new AssetTypeNative())) {
        assetName = "paymons";
      } else {
        StringBuilder assetNameBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        assetNameBuilder.append(((AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum) asset).getCode());
        assetNameBuilder.append(((AssetTypeCreditAlphaNum) asset).getIssuer().getAccountId());
        assetName = assetNameBuilder.toString();

      StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
      output.append(" ");
      output.append(" from ");
      output.append(((PaymentOperationResponse) payment).getFrom().getAccountId());

package main

import (

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    cursor := horizon.Cursor("now")

    fmt.Println("Waiting for a payment...")

    err := horizon.DefaultTestNetClient.StreamPayments(ctx, address, &cursor, func(payment horizon.Payment) {
        fmt.Println("Payment type", payment.Type)
        fmt.Println("Payment Paging Token", payment.PagingToken)
        fmt.Println("Payment From", payment.From)
        fmt.Println("Payment To", payment.To)
        fmt.Println("Payment Asset Type", payment.AssetType)
        fmt.Println("Payment Asset Code", payment.AssetCode)
        fmt.Println("Payment Asset Issuer", payment.AssetIssuer)
        fmt.Println("Payment Amount", payment.Amount)
        fmt.Println("Payment Memo Type", payment.Memo.Type)
        fmt.Println("Payment Memo", payment.Memo.Value)

    if err != nil {

from stellar_sdk.server import Server

def load_last_paging_token():
    # Get the last paging token from a local database or file
    return "now"

def save_paging_token(paging_token):
    # In most cases, you should save this to a local database or file so that
    # you can load it next time you stream new payments.

server = Server("")

# Create an API call to query payments involving the account.
payments = server.payments().for_account(account_id)

# If some payments have already been handled, start the results from the
# last seen payment. (See below in `handle_payment` where it gets saved.)
last_token = load_last_paging_token()
if last_token:

# `stream` will send each recorded payment, one by one, then keep the
# connection open and continue to send you new payments as they occur.
for payment in
    # Record the paging token so we can start from here next time.

    # We only process `payment`, ignore `create_account` and `account_merge`.
    if payment["type"] != "payment":

    # The payments stream includes both sent and received payments. We
    # only want to process received payments here.
    if payment['to'] != account_id:

    # In Kuknos 's API, paymons are referred to as the “native” type. Other
    # asset types have more detailed information.
    if payment["asset_type"] == "native":
        asset = "paymons"
        asset = f"{payment['asset_code']}:{payment['asset_issuer']}"
    print(f"{payment['amount']} {asset} from {payment['from']}")

There are two main parts to this program. First, you create a query for payments involving a given
account. Like most queries in Kuknos, this could return a huge number of items, so the API returns
paging tokens, which you can use later to start your query from the same point where you previously
left off. In the example above, the functions to save and load paging tokens are left blank, but in
a real application, you’d want to save the paging tokens to a file or database so you can pick up
where you left off in case the program crashes or the user closes it.

var payments = server.payments().forAccount(accountId);
var lastToken = loadLastPagingToken();
if (lastToken) {
PaymentsRequestBuilder paymentsRequest = server.payments().forAccount(account)
String lastToken = loadLastPagingToken();
if (lastToken != null) {
payments = server.payments().for_account(account_id)
last_token = load_last_paging_token()
if last_token:

Second, the results of the query are streamed. This is the easiest way to watch for payments or
other transactions. Each existing payment is sent through the stream, one by one. Once all existing
payments have been sent, the stream stays open and new payments are sent as they are made.

Try it out: Run this program, and then, in another window, create and submit a payment. You should
see this program log the payment.{
  onmessage: function(payment) {
    // handle a payment
}); EventListener<OperationResponse>() {
  public void onEvent(OperationResponse payment) {
    // Handle a payment
for payment in
    # handle a payment

You can also request payments in groups, or pages. Once you’ve processed each page of payments,
you’ll need to request the next one until there are none left. handlePage(paymentsPage) {
  paymentsPage.records.forEach(function(payment) {
    // handle a payment
Page<OperationResponse> page = payments.execute();

for (OperationResponse operation : page.getRecords()) {
    // handle a payment

page = page.getNextPage();
payments_current =
payments_next =

Transacting in Other Currencies

One of the amazing things about the Kuknos network is that you can send and receive many types of
assets, such as US dollars, Nigerian naira, digital currencies like bitcoin, or even your own new
kind of asset.

While Kuknos’s native asset, the paymon, is fairly simple, all other assets can be thought of like
a credit issued by a particular account. In fact, when you trade US dollars on the Kuknos network,
you don’t actually trade US dollars—you trade US dollars from a particular account. That’s why
the assets in the example above had both a code and an issuer. The issuer is the ID of the
account that created the asset. Understanding what account issued the asset is important—you need
to trust that, if you want to redeem your dollars on the Kuknos network for actual dollar bills,
the issuer will be able to provide them to you. Because of this, you’ll usually only want to trust
major financial institutions for assets that represent national currencies.

Kuknos also supports payments sent as one type of asset and received as another. You can send
Nigerian naira to a friend in Germany and have them receive euros. These multi-currency
transactions are made possible by a built-in market mechanism where people can make offers to buy
and sell different types of assets. Kuknos will automatically find the best people to exchange
currencies with in order to convert your naira to euros. This system is called distributed

You can read more about the details of assets in the assets overview.

What Next?

Now that you can send and receive payments using Kuknos’s API, you’re on your way to writing all
kinds of amazing financial software. Experiment with other parts of the API, then read up on more
detailed topics:

[^۱]: A list of all the possible operations can be found on the operations

[^۲]: The full details on transactions can be found on the transactions

[^۳]: The 100 stroops is called Kuknos’s base fee. The base fee can be changed, but a change
in Kuknos’s fees isn’t likely to happen more than once every several years. You can look up the
current fees by checking the details of the latest

[^۴]: Even though most responses from the Horizon REST API use JSON, most of the data in Kuknos is
actually stored in a format called XDR, or External Data Representation. XDR is both more compact
than JSON and stores data in a predictable way, which makes signing and verifying an XDR-encoded
message easier. You can get more details on our XDR

[^۵]: In situations where you need to perform a high number of transactions in a short period of
time (for example, a bank might perform transactions on behalf of many customers using one
Kuknos account), you can create several Kuknos accounts that work simultaneously. Read more
about this in the guide to channels.